Singing the song Dzinomwa Muna Save was a little hard. I felt it was hard because it was not in my language. I enjoyed singing it because it had a good rhythm. It's call and response reminds me of the music from my Puerto Rican culture called Bomba. We inherited this music from our African ancestors. When dancer moves the drummer responds. There is no choreography to this type of dance it is danced from the heart.
I really appreciate this connection Madison. A lot of the musical roots of America can be traced back to Africa, but that's also true for many islands such as Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Historically, this can be traced back to the slave trade, where Africans were enslaved and brought to different countries and islands. I think that history is important because as musicians, we should know the roots of our music. The music that has come from this history is very incredible, but we should also learn that we have the music because of a bad part of history. Thanks for sharing a very wise observation!
I like the song, makes you want to dance. It's similar to some music my dad plays from the Dominican Republic called "Palos" which in English means sticks, also sounds like religious music.
Good question. If you just have lyrics, you can post them here or through the messenger. If you have a video that you feel comfortable sharing on the forum, post it here. Or you can email it to me at I'm looking forward to seeing it, Niko!
I am not sure I click on your link-I am signed in with my doe email...I have tried going to site link and my mom downloaded app and joined class that way with my doe email and on both places I can see the videos and the work but when I click on the link for activity response I get a weird message about saving and not being your domain
I summited the work but I don't know if it went through. can you please let me know. thank you
Singing the song Dzinomwa Muna Save was a little hard. I felt it was hard because it was not in my language. I enjoyed singing it because it had a good rhythm. It's call and response reminds me of the music from my Puerto Rican culture called Bomba. We inherited this music from our African ancestors. When dancer moves the drummer responds. There is no choreography to this type of dance it is danced from the heart.
I really love the song because it was soothing and heart warming. I found the language that it is in very interesting. The song was very creative.
I like the song, makes you want to dance. It's similar to some music my dad plays from the Dominican Republic called "Palos" which in English means sticks, also sounds like religious music.
I can’t get in. I only see the form to fill out but not the song.
I really loved singing along to Dzinomwa Muna Save. I thought it wasn’t really that hard. It was really fun and easy singing along to the ensemble.
Love, Izzy
Hi Mr K. how do i send you my blues song i wrote
It’s not letting me open the link for the response
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